Enhancing Efficiency: Tracking the Hidden Impact of Untracked Racks in the Manufacturing Industry
Did you know that within the glass industry, there are over 3 million racks circulating, yet a significant portion remains untracked, treated merely as an operational expense? Surprisingly, these essential assets spend a staggering 80% of their time outside the facility. With between 10% to 20% of these racks lost annually, the financial implications are […]
Story of a Rack Going to the Wild West
In the early days of Smart Logistics, our task was simple: track a few hundred racks and ensure they reached their intended destinations. Most of these racks followed predictable routes to the Midwest, ticking off destinations like clockwork. But amidst the routine, there was one rack that stood out—an adventurous soul that seemed to have […]
Story of a Tail Wagging the Dog
In the bustling world of logistics, sometimes it’s the smallest details that have the most significant impact. Take, for instance, the tale of Joe, a diligent logistics supervisor, who diligently reported for duty at 4 am each morning. His task? To assess available resources for shipping and to relay this crucial information in the daily […]